Signs Your Kids May Have Vision Problems

Signs Your Kids May Have Vision Problems

Vision problems can hinder your child from learning at school. An eye exam from your pediatric eye care specialist at Lock Family Eye Care in West Des Moines will reveal whether your child has good vision or needs corrective lenses to improve his sight. If your child shows any of the following signs, he could very well be experiencing vision problems.

Excessive Eye Rubbing

Although it’s normal for children to rub their eyes, especially when they’re tired, frequent eye rubbing throughout the day could be a sign of vision problems. Your child may have an eye disease that’s causing itchiness such as conjunctivitis. He may also be suffering from eye fatigue due to having trouble focusing.

Sitting too Close to TV or Computer Screen

If your child sits too close to the TV or computer screen in order to see images clearly, chances are he has a vision problem. He may not be able to see objects clearly unless they're up close. That’s why he leans into the computer screen to see images or holds books close to his face to read. Corrective lenses can help improve this aspect of his sight.

Easily Loses Place When Reading

When children are first learning to read, it’s natural for them to get distracted and lose their place. Older children may lose their place easily due to problems with their vision. A child who is having trouble focusing may use his finger to track the words while reading so he doesn’t lose his place. Reading difficulties could be due to poor vision.


Squinting is definitely a sign of vision trouble. Kids learn early on that squinting can improve their sight, whether they’re trying to see something up close or far away. Naturally, squinting isn’t a permanent solution. If your child is squinting often in order to see, bring him to our clinic for an eye exam. Your child may have refractive errors that are affecting his vision.

Schedule an Eye Exam at Lock Family Eye Care

Through quality pediatric eye care, your child can enjoy optimum vision. To schedule a pediatric eye exam at Lock Family Eye Care in West Des Moines, call (515) 267-1312 today.

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