Uveitis FAQs

Uveitis is used to describe a variety of different conditions. The uvea consists of the iris and if inflammation occurs in any part of the uvea, it is known as uveitis. There are many causes of this condition, and it is important to get it treated. We have put together a list of questions and answers here at Lock Family Eye Care in West Des Moines, IA for you to gain knowledge on what exactly this condition is and what you can do about it.

a woman with Uveitis

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Uveitis?

Inflammation can affect any part within the eye and any of its surrounding structures. Common symptoms to watch out for include:

  • • Floaters
  • • Redness
  • • Pain
  • • Decreased vision
  • • Sensitivity to light

You should seek emergency attention right away if your symptoms are severe.

What Causes Uveitis?

Common causes include:

  • • Infections such as syphilis, leprosy, toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, HIV, fungal infections, etc.
  • • Inflammations such as from autoimmune diseases (Rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet’s syndrome, etc.)
  • • Masquerade Syndromes such as systemic malignancies and intraocular tumors
  • • Injury or trauma to the eye
  • • Idiopathic uveitis

What Are the Different Types of Uveitis? 

Different types of uveitis affect different parts of the eye.

  • • Anterior uveitis occurs when the uvea is inflamed beginning at the front part of the eye. This can last anywhere from 6-8 weeks and begins     suddenly.
  • • Intermediate uveitis occurs when the uvea is inflamed in the middle part of the eye. It has a major effect on a person’s vision resulting in  floaters.
  • • Panuveitis occurs when the inflammation present affects the anterior, posterior, and intermediate parts of the eye.

How Can an Optometrist Diagnose Uveitis?

Uveitis is diagnosed after a careful exam and symptoms of the eye. Since this eye condition can be related to disease in other parts of the body, our eye doctor will ask you about your overall health history. If this is left untreated, inflammation can affect your sight significantly and even lead to blindness.

How Is Uveitis Treated?

Our optometrist treats each case of uveitis individually. Immediate treatment is highly recommended and has an impact on the success of treatment. Treatments can vary from homatropine to non-steroidal inflammatory agents. Our eye doctor will assess your condition to determine which treatment methods will benefit you the most.

Contact Our Optometrist for Uveitis Treatment in West Des Moines, IA

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Lock Family Eye Care today at (515) 267-1312.

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