Importance of Eye Care for Your Child

Lock Family Eyecare in Des Moines, IA on Importance of Eye Care for Your Child

If you have a child, you know that taking them to routine doctor's appointments is important for their health. In addition to tending to the body, care of the eyes is necessary. Lock Family Eye Care is ready for you to make an appointment with our Optometrist in West Des Moines, IA to assist with your child's visionary needs. Here are some points to keep in mind when a trip to our pediatric optometrist is scheduled for the near future.

child struggling with his classwork

The Importance Of Visionary Screening For Your Child

It is a good idea to have a visionary screening done during the baby stage, the toddler stage before school begins, and yearly thereafter. This way your child's optometrist will have documentation about the history of their vision so changes are easy to recognize as they grow. Getting routine screenings helps to find problems quickly, making it easier to provide the best solution for remedying the condition.

Problems your Child May Experience Due To Poor Vision Or Vision Health

If your child is suffering from a visionary problem, you may notice their grades are slipping in school. This could be a result of not being able to see the information being presented at the front of the classroom. You may notice them taking longer to do their homework, and they may have difficulty with reading and writing. Other symptoms of a vision problem include frequent headaches, blurry vision, or double vision.

What To Expect When Seeing A Pediatric Optometrist

When your child arrives at their appointment, you will need to fill out forms pertaining to their medical history for the pediatric optometrist to review. Afterward, our pediatric optometrist will conduct a series of exams to test your child's vision. These include identifying letters, numbers, or pictures in different sizes and an inspection of the eyes with lights of various intensities.

Contact Our Lock Family Eyecare in Des Moines, IA Today To Schedule an Appointment!

Our Lock Family Eye Care Optometrist in West Des Moines is seasoned with assessing the vision of children of all ages. Reach us at (515) 267-1312 to schedule an appointment at our facility for your child today.

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