Choosing Glasses for Children

Getting eyeglasses for the first time can be an exciting milestone for a child but finding frames that meet both their optical and stylistic needs poses some special considerations. At Lock Family Eye Care in West Des Moines, IA, we are here to help families select durable, properly fitted children’s glasses for healthy vision development.

Prioritize Correct Fit

Properly fitted frames can be important for optimizing a child’s vision. Make sure frames are aligned correctly and don’t sit crooked on the face. The bridge should fit snugly without pinching the nose. Earpieces should align against the head to prevent slipping. Kids grow quickly, so their glasses fit may need reassessment over time. It may also be a good idea to have your child try on multiple sizes to find the ideal fit.

Focus on Durability

Children’s glasses need to stand up to wear and tear. Select flexible, kid-tough materials like that can withstand drops, bumps, and being thrown in backpacks. Also consider protective treatments like scratch-resistant coatings.

Involve Your Child

The more say your child has in choosing their glasses, the more motivated he will be to wear them consistently. Make sure, however, to guide him toward appropriate options for fit and durability. Having him try on different sizes, shapes, and colors gets him engaged in finding the perfect pair. Kids may need extra encouragement to embrace glasses at first, so make it a positive experience.

Add Protective Options

Additional features safeguard children’s eyes when they play and participate in sports include: impact-resistant polycarbonate lenses to prevent injury if hit by balls or other objects, frame straps to keep glasses secured during active play, and potentially more. Talk with your pediatric optometrist about ideal protective add-ons for your child’s lifestyle.

Get an Eye Exam and Pediatric Optometrist Services from an Eye Doctor Near You

At Lock Family Eye Care in West Des Moines, IA, we want to make the process of selecting kids’ eyewear stress-free and fun. We can help you choose durable and stylish children’s frames fit for active young lives. Schedule an eye exam today to help find the perfect glasses for your child. Call us at (515) 267-1312 for an eye exam and pediatric optometrist services from an eye doctor near you.

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