Diabetes and Your Eyes

Diabetes refers to a condition characterized by unstable blood sugar levels, which can negatively impact the body, including your eyes and vision. Our optometry professionals at Lock Family Eye Care in West Des Moines, IA, know that high blood glucose will not likely affect your vision in the short term. However, if your blood sugar remains unmanaged and consistently high, elevated glucose levels can cause injury/damage to small blood vessels in the back of your eyes, causing permanent damage.

Eye Diseases and Diabetes

Most serious diabetic eye diseases begin with blood vessel problems. Damaged blood vessels may begin to leak fluid, causing local swelling, while new, weaker blood vessels may also develop. If these blood vessels bleed into the eye, it can lead to scarring or create dangerously high pressure within your eye.

Common eye diseases caused or made worse by diabetes include:

●          Diabetic Retinopathy – this refers to the most common cause of vision loss for people with diabetes. Identifying and treating diabetic retinopathy early offers a chance to reduce the risk of blindness significantly.

●          Glaucoma and Cataracts – diabetics have a higher chance of developing glaucoma or cataracts than someone without.

What Are Diabetic Eye Disease Symptoms?

Diabetics often have no early symptoms of diabetic eye disease. There may be no discomfort or fluctuations to your vision as the damage slowly occurs, especially with diabetic retinopathy. 

Diabetic eye disease symptoms may include:

●          Blurry/wavy vision.

●          Dark areas.

●          Spots or dark strings/floaters.

●          Vision loss.

●          Poor color vision.

●          Light flashes.

Get a Diabetic Eye Exam and Optometrist Services from an Eye Doctor Near You

Often, diabetics have no early warning signs of diabetic eye disease or vision loss. If you are diabetic, talk with your eye doctor or optometrist about a diabetic eye exam to help identify and treat eye problems before much vision loss can happen.

For more information, contact the optometrist professionals at Lock Family Eye Care in West Des Moines, IA, at (515) 267-1312. Contact us for optometrist services from an eye doctor near you.

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