7 Signs you might have cataracts

Cataracts Overview

For those who are yet unfamiliar, a cataract is an issue that causes clouding of the lens of the eye that is normally clear. Although this issue is preventable and treatable, once the damage is done, it cannot be reversed. Therefore, knowing the signs of this disorder for the purposes of early detection is vital to maintaining your vision. With that in mind, if you are a resident of West Des Moines, IA, the following is an overview of 7 signs you might have cataracts, as well as how your friends here at Lock Family Eye Care can help.

7 Signs You Might Have Cataracts

If you are concerned that you may have cataracts, here are 7 symptoms you should be aware of:

  • Clouded or blurred vision/ dim vision: If you are experiencing a vision that is cloudy, blurred, or dim, you may have cataracts.
  • Experiencing an increasing difficulty with vision at night: If you are experiencing difficulty with night vision that is getting progressively worse, this is a sign that you may have cataracts.
  • Sensitivity to light and glare: If you are experiencing extreme sensitivity to light and glare, this can be a sign that you are suffering from cataracts.
  • Need for brighter light for reading and other activities: If you require a level of light that is brighter than normal in order to be able to read, this may be a sign that you have cataracts.
  • Single-Eye Double Vision: If you are experiencing double vision in a single eye, this is a sign that you may have cataracts.
  • Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription: If you are experiencing frequent changes in terms of your eyeglass or contact lens prescription, this is a major sign that you may have cataracts.
  • Fading or yellowing of colors: If you are dealing with the fading or yellowing of how colors appear, this is a sign that you may have cataracts.

Overall, if you are a resident of West Des Moines, IA, who believes you may be suffering from cataracts need an eye doctor, we are here to help. Simply call (515) 267-1312 or email your friends here at Lock Family Eye Care in order to get an assessment and begin treatment at once.

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