Contact Lens vs Traditional Glasses

Someone holding contact lens and eyeglasses

Contact Lens Vs. Traditional Glasses

Regarding vision correction, two popular options are contact lenses and traditional glasses. Each choice has advantages and considerations that depend on personal preferences and lifestyle factors. Specific care is required for contacts and glasses, but you may enjoy contacts if you're more meticulous. Call Lock Family Eye Care in West Des Moines, IA, to schedule your eye exam.

Traditional Glasses

Traditional glasses consist of lenses mounted in frames that sit on the bridge of your nose and are supported by your ears. Glasses vision by bending light before it enters the eye, focusing it properly onto the retina.

Glasses look great, help you express yourself, and are super convenient. They don’t need much care and don’t require additional supplies. If you want a classic look, glasses are where it's at. You can also take them off anytime and slip them on. They're simple and easy to use.

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are thin, curved discs made from various materials directly placed on the eye's surface. Contacts correct vision by refracting light properly onto the retina, providing clear vision without eyeglass frames.

A benefit of contacts is that you can work out all you want, and they will stay manageable. You'll need some supplies to care for them, but they're also pretty convenient. Once you put your contacts in, you don't have to fiddle with them all day. Primarily, you can clean them at the end of the day. Some people don't choose these because they must directly touch their eyes.

Visit Our Eye Doctor

It's recommended to consult with our optometrists to assess your situation, perform an eye examination, and provide professional guidance. Visit Lock Family Eye Carer in West Des Moines, IA, to get your prescription contacts or glasses. Call our office at (515) 267-1312 to schedule an appointment.

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